Outside Interest Disclosure

College of Engineering Implementation of Policy on Faculty Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment

All faculty with at least half-time University appointments owe their primary professional commitment to the University.  A commensurate commitment of those faculty members’ time and intellectual energy must therefore be devoted to activities that further the University’s mission.  Even where obligations to the University are met, a faculty member may not engage in activities that compete with the University or that otherwise diminish or undermine the University’s mission. It is inappropriate for faculty, without prior approval, to divert to other entities or institutions opportunities for research, education, clinical care or financial support which otherwise might flow to the University.

Any work external to the University potentially raises a question of conflict of commitment and must be disclosed.  In general, however, any such work that contributes to the scholarly or educational goals of the University is permitted.   For full-time faculty, other professional work is permitted up to one work day per week if it does not interfere with the minimum expectations outlined above (as described in the UM Faculty Handbook). If there is any question about whether a particular commitment falls within these categories, or if there is any potential for interfering with the minimum expectations above, the matter must be disclosed and reviewed.

Fill out your Outside Interest Disclosure

Please note that as of August 2012 new Public Health Service (PHS) financial conflict of interest regulations took effect. The changes in reporting of financial conflicts are significant and failure to comply could result in loss of funding. Please review the terms and FAQs regarding these changes at:


For questions or comments please review the materials on this website or contact: [email protected]